About our Practice
Family Health & Wellness Chiropractic is Southeast Missouri’s home for holistic chiropractic care. Our approach to healthcare is to meet patients where they are and work with them to create a healthcare plan together. We offer chiropractic care and rehab, nutritional support, soft tissue manipulation, and referral for radiological/lab testing when needed. Our treatment plans are as individualized as the patients we treat. Dr. Seed is dedicated to providing the best chiropractic and nutritional support to patients of all ages.
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

Who We Treat
Our office treats patients of all ages, from our youngest patient that was less than an hour old, to the oldest being over 100. Chiropractic is for all ages and can help with more than just the aches and pains that adults have. It can also ease the growing pains of adolescents. Dr. Seed has gentle adjusting techniques to treat all ages effectively.

Our Services
Dr. Seed is trained in Reinert Diversified, Logan Basic Technique, Activator Track I & II, SacroOccipital Technique, Pro-Adjuster, Upper Cervical Specific (HIO), Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Therapy, Ischemic Compression, Active Release Technique Spine and Upper Extremity, Kinesio Taping, Webster Technique, Myofascial Release, Craniopathy, Acupuncture, Standard Process Whole Food Supplements, and Enzyme Therapy.

Our Mission
Our Office strives to provide quality chiropractic care at affordable prices. Treatment plans and techniques used are tailored to the patient based off of what the condition is, what is needed, and what patient concerns are. We provide preventative, corrective, maintenance, condition based, and short-term chiropractic care. We currently offer wholefood nutritional and herbal supplements through standard process. Enzyme nutritional support for those struggling with digestion issues. We also provide sports taping and custom molded orthotics. Call to schedule a 20-minute free consultation. Dr. Seed will sit down, go over your concerns, and discuss your treatment options.
“The quality of your life will be determined by the quality of the questions that you ask yourself.”

Meet the Doctor
Dr. Seed is a graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic. He graduated in December of 2008 and has practiced in IL since graduation. He moved to Jackson, MO to be closer to his wife’s family in 2015 and opened a second office in Southeast MO. He has spent the last ten years mastering his craft. He uses 7 different adjusting techniques, 4 different soft tissue techniques, and 3 different nutritional approaches to create individualized holistic healthcare for our patients.